Ultrasonic Cleaner

Tank SIZE:  1200mm x 500mm x 500mm


Ultrasonic Generator:

(500 W X 4 Gen. modules)


Ultrasonic Power Output         = 2000Watts.(Average)


Watts Density                          = Aprox. 15 Watts per liters.

Input A.C. Supply                    = 415 Volts, Three phase + Neutral + Earth

Output Frequency                             = 32+/- 3 KHz

Protection                                = By MCB &Zener

Cooling                                    = Forced air-cooled


Ultrasonic Tank:


The tank inside working dimensions will be 1200 mm (L) x 500mm (W) x 500mm(H) (including Heater)


The tank will be made out of 2mm thick, SS316.Argon arc welded, duly buffed and polished


The Ultrasonic power to the tank will be provided from bottom side with stud weld & Epoxy bonding technique & transducers are imported make.


Electronic timer (of 0-99 minutes) will be provided to set the cleaning time as required.


The tank will be provided with 3 Nos. of  3KW, SS tubular heaters, to raise the appropriate temp in bath.


The tank will have round corners; tapered bottom & SS 1” drain valve for draining & inlet & overflow pipe will be provided


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